This was the first game I played on any iOs device back in 2009, and when I heard that it was finally receiving a sequel, I decided I should replay it. Amazingly, considering all the innovation in mobile gaming in the last six years, it is still fun to play. If you are obsessive like I am, it will take you maybe three hours to complete the adventure mode campaign, and there are several more hours worth of content in the other game modes. I like to break down my reviews into story, visuals, audio and gameplay, so here goes:
Story: This game is rather story light, expecting the player to create their own version of what happened at the manor based on vague clues and imagination, but it works really nicely. I felt motivated to track down every secret and open every hidden room. For what it is, it does this very well.
Visuals: The hand drawn aesthetic is lovely, even by todays standards, with a lot of care put into each of the backgrounds. The bugs and spiderwebs dont stand up to time quite as well, but they are not bad enough to be emersion breaking. It is important to note, however, that the visuals dont quite stand up to the most recent iPhone screens, and it looks really fuzzy if you try and blow it up on an iPad. They do have an iPad version however.
Audio: This was one of the first games that put obvious effort into their audio, and I remember being very impressed within it first came out. That said, by todays standards, it is lacking. The music is repetitive and has little depth.
Gameplay: The gameplay is perhaps the weak point of this game. When it came out, it was amazing, but in 2015, it is lacking. There are only a few types of "enemy" bugs, and the gameplay breaks down to make webs, chase bugs, eat stuff. That said, because of the campaigns shortness, it never has a chance to really get boring.
Overall, this game is still worth playing, and it is especially impressive considering its age.