The game itself is great, with a mechanic I have not seen before. The soundtrack is perfect for the mood of the game. But what really inspires me about the game is the subtle clues to the story thoughout the levels regarding the owners of the house.
The game itself is great, with a mechanic I have not seen before. The soundtrack is perfect for the mood of the game. But what really inspires me about the game is the subtle clues to the story thoughout the levels regarding the owners of the house.
The spider is adorable <3
I was obsessed with this game. I couldnt stop playing it until I mastered it, and I did. I love to see them create more! Im looking.
Would buy again. Agree with others that longer plot would be nice.
Love this beautiful game
Love the game but can only find 16 secrets out of 17 the problem is that sometimes when the game is loading up it will try to go to a web page and gets stuck have to let my iPod die before before I can do anything also it was messing up 2 other games of mine I think it may have a hidden virus in it as since it has been deleted my other games now work fine hope you guts fix this issue because I would like to plat again please send email for update for this problem as it is now deleted thanks for a wonderful game!
Is this compatible with iOS 7?
One of the best apps ever
Im a video game lover, Ive played lots of video games before. This one. Is. The. BEST ONE IVE EVER PLAYED on my Phone. Im super scared of spiders but this game is helping me get over my fear. YEAH!
I am addicted!
I just found this after reading about the upcoming sequel on a gaming website, and decided to check out the original. This game runs great in my iPhone 4S. Its very beautiful, fun gameplay, and touch controls work perfectly too.
No other spider could travel a whole mansion like that spider! We could but they CANT! Spider is an amazing spider that can jump to place to place! It could kill Hornets by jumping on them! I love spiders, I love this game!
The app doesnt get past the 2 tigers and it constantly asks me to accept Facebook when I have done it already. Please fix.
I love this app!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Real spiders dont have to walk around things to get somewhere. After several levels of not being able to walk across something instead of around it, I quickly tired of the game. Getting beyond that, the game is kind of atmospheric (good music) – but time limits ruin that. The point of a timed game is to improve your time, not to die after munching on six wasps just because it hasnt eaten one in the last 30 seconds or whatever. Its overkill and unrealistic – a spider can go days without eating. The game mechanics would be more appropriate for a sci-fi FPS, but you used a spider. Let it be a spider and travel anywhere. Also allow the player to play against himself or other bugs, not against an arbitrary clock.
Love this app. Addicting.
Fine game, but every time I finish a level, the app closes itself. Fix for iPhone 6 necessary?
Just bought and so far every level I complete crashes the game... Not impressed
Crashes at the end of every level thanks to iOS8 update. Love the game. Please fix it.
Used to be a great game on my iPhone 4s. Now on iPhone 6 it crashes all the time